Saturday, October 28, 2006


Please be advised that the Eastern Region will be hosting a Regional Political School at Alvescot Lodge over the weekend of the
1st – 3rd December 2006.

Places at the school will be offered as a priority to delegates from the Eastern Region, hopefully we will be able to completely fill the course. However if we do not manage to fill the course then the school will be opened up to delegates from the South East & London Regions.

The school will provide a two day Political Training Course, for ease of reference I have broken it down into sections.

Introductions & getting to ‘know you’
Presentation (Gary Heather) NEC member
History of the political Involvement and activities of the CWU, with tasks
Structure and Process (Activity)
Political Levy
Labour Party Links
Questions for the panel (regarding activities undertaken)
Questions to the panel (debate on pros and cons of affiliation/disaffiliation, political levy, etc)
Action Planning
Review and evaluation of the course

The region will be piloting the course and the above agenda will have activities added to it, for example lobbying of parliament, etc. We will be required to report back on the course regarding what was good, Bad or indifferent, what can be added or taken out to ensure that future courses are interesting and successful. Branch delegate’s feedback will be essential.

Nick Nichols will be overseeing the course, speakers will include Gary Heather, Beth Kelly MP (EU Parliamentary Panel & Local Councillor ) and Jeannie Drake DGS. We are in process of securing speakers and further material for the course, the above list is by no means exhaustive and is subject to change/confirmation.

As the Eastern Region has delegation priority can Branches please circulate this information to their respective political officers/interested parties to secure a delegate to attend the weekend political school.

Can Branches please ensure they have their nominations in place by Wednesday 8th November 2006.

Please can you respond directly to me and we will secure your Branch nomination on the above course?

Kind regards


Paul Moffat
Eastern Region Secretary
Communication Workers Union

31-33 Brunel Business Centre
The Concourse, Bletchley
Milton Keynes

Tel: 01908-632922
Fax: 01908-639622